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Balancing the Scales: Celebrating Working Moms Day

March 12th marks National Working Moms Day, a time to recognize and appreciate the countless mothers who balance professional careers with the demands of parenting. It’s a day to celebrate their hard work. At Williams, McClernan, & Stack, we take special pride in this day, as all three of our firm’s partners are working mothers themselves. They understand firsthand the delicate balance required to thrive both at home and in the office, making this celebration particularly meaningful to us.

The Reality of Being a Working Mom

12:00am - 5:00am

Alycia: 12:00am-12:45am - Reading because I have no care or respect for tomorrow me.

Kat: 2:00am - Littlest kid crawls into bed after waking up to snuggle.

Kat: 2:30am - Youngest crawls into bed to snuggle.

Marsha: 5:30am - Alarm goes off.

Marsha: 5:50am - Get out of bed.

Marsha: 5:54am - Quiet time with God.

5:00am - 10:00am

Kat: 5:57am - Wake up three minutes before alarm because brain starts running through day's to do.

Kat: 6:00am - Drag butt out of bed to take shower. Since Firm is doing public expungement day at Library I needed to make an effort to do my hair and makeup.

Marsha: 6:05am - Play mobile game.

Marsha: 6:14am - Brush & floss teeth.

Marsha: 6:19am - Wake son up.

Kat: 6:15am - Break up argument between oldest two kids.

Marsha: 6:21am - Morning ablutions, get dressed, & do hair.

Alycia: 6:25am - 7 year old crawls into bed. Spends the next 25 minutes either wiggling or talking.

Alycia: 6:50am - 9 year old crawls into bed. Children immediately start fighting over who is touching who.

Kat: 6:45am - Print out art elective material for Husband covering for me at oldest two school since we have Expungement clinic.

Alycia: 6:55am - Kids remember the tooth fairy was supposed to come last night. Money and note located- the kids are unimpressed.

Marsha: 6:53am - Son comes into my bedroom to see if I'm ready.

Alycia: 7:05am - Everyone crawls out of bed, children start fighting in the kitchen instead.

Marsha: 7:06am - Leave to drop son off for drill meet practice. Start my daily devotional.

Alycia: 7:10am - I watch YouTube videos of my 7-year-old’s dance routine that the instructor uploaded for them to practice to. It’s the first time I’m seeing him dance, because I misread the dates on the parent observation class in the fall and he won’t show us.

Marsha: 7:11am - Drop son off at school & head to the office.

Kat: 7:25am - Get the oldest two out the door with Husband.

Alycia: 7:25am - Husband delivers a mug of coffee to me while I’m getting ready, because coffee is love.

Kat: 7:30am - Start packing my bag with coffee and water for the day.

Marsha: 7:30am - Arrive at office. Finished listening to my daily devotional.

Alycia: 7:30am - Husband informs me that he discovered our kitchen clock was running 10 minutes fast and the 7-year-old admits he moved the hands over the weekend because he wanted TV time to come sooner.

Kat: 7:45am - Pick up co-worker to carpool to Library for expungement day.

Marsha: 7:45am - Finally sit down at desk and notice my Internet dependent phone says no Internet. Hmm. Is it just my phone or do we actually not have access to wi-fi?

Alycia: 7:40am - 9-year-old comes in, very worried about the potential that the elementary school chorus will be singing at a baseball game 3 ½ months from now.

Marsha: 7:47am - Connect my laptop to the big monitor (love!) & start it up. It seems to be connected to our wifi. Ok, it's just my phone.

Marsha: 7:53am - Tada, rebooting worked! A small victory to start the workday.

Marsha: 7:54am - Go back to checking emails. Why do I have 1073 unread messages?

Kat: 8:15am-8:45am - Set up Library for expungement day. Eat breakfast and drink coffee.

Alycia: 8:05am - Husband and kids run out the door for the bus.

Alycia: 8:15am - I head out the door for my car, a coffee mug in each hand.

Marsha: 8:08am - Let's try it again. Tada, success or so I thought. Why is the form printing in hieroglyphics?!

Alycia: 8:29am - I walk into the office.

Marsha: 8:33am - Go back to checking emails. 1061 unread, mostly solicitation. Where do companies get my email address from?

Alycia: 8:35am - Initial skim of emails.

Alycia: 8:40am - Text Husband about cub scouts & swim tonight, signing up for swim next month.

Alycia: 8:45am - Remember I’m supposed to be making this list and recreate my morning.

Marsha: 8:45 am: Back to checking emails. 1062

Alycia: 8:50am - Look at my to-do list and plan my day, heat up my breakfast.

Alycia: 9:00am - Emails.

Kat: 8:45am - 9am - Check email, Enjoy google lunar game for a hot second.

Kat: 9am to 11:30am - Handle walk-ins for the expungement clinic. Check their records for what can be expunged, fill out forms, have them sign, give copies.

Also take orders from staff and attorneys for lunch order at Jimmy Johns.

Also balance check book and pay personal bills.

Also answer Husband's text regarding art electives.

Also, check work email and respond as needed.

Also watch videos for a case, see what is missing and email opposing counsel.

Also check personal email.

Also update middle child's allergy shot dates on their calendar.

Alycia: 9:10am - Review IEP records and email school system about meeting dates.

Alycia: 9:25am - Email to sign kids up for swim lessons for March.

Alycia: 9:30am - Share new discovery documents with client and prepare to send our updated documents, but realize they need changes.

Marsha: 9:01 am: Added time for expungement clinic. Realized my timer from yesterday was still running.

Marsha: 9:14 am: Back to checking emails. 1058

Alycia: 9:50am - Emails.

10:00am - 3:00pm

Alycia: 10:00am - Talk w/ coworker.

Marsha: 10:46 am: Why does it seem like it 1:46 PM? Realized my desk clock has stopped so off to look for a battery.

Marsha: 10:58 am: Resume working on case.

Marsha: 11:28 am: Mental Health Break - scroll on social media & play mobile game.

Kat: 11:45am to 12:20pm - Enjoy Jimmy John's lunch while chatting with coworkers.

Alycia: 12pm - Match transactions in Quickbooks & Nota; approve timesheets.

Marsha: 12:15 am: Bathroom break, chat break, prepared & ate lunch (salad: spring mix with salmon, diced Granny Smith apples, & cranberries topped with a homemade balsamic dressing).

Alycia: 1:45pm - Emails.

Kat: 12:20pm - Start working on walk-ins again.

Kat: 1:00pm - Return call to husband, mark work calendar for his work travel (can't schedule trials or hearings on days he is out of town).

Marsha: 1:00 pm: Check emails (1089) while continuing to eat lunch.

Alycia: 1:30pm - Strategic planning meeting.

Kat: 2pm - No walk-ins or scheduled folks. Take multiple pictures for marketing and for funzies.

Kat: 2:40pm - Message mom group of friends to check in and see how crazy everyone is feeling.

Kat: 2:45pm - Have coworker check Disney for hotel availability in the summer.

Alycia: 2:00pm - Heat & Eat Lunch.

Alycia: 2:30pm - Run Payroll.

Alycia: 3:00pm - Phone consultation with a potential client.

Marsha: 3:27 pm: Strategic planning meeting ends.

Marsha: 3:29 pm: Son & his friends stop by the office to visit.

3:00pm - 8:00pm

Kat: 3:18pm - Respond to more work emails.

Kat: 3:51pm - Almost closing time, why are there so many people walking in?

Alycia: 3:50pm - Schedule follow-up documents & emails with that person.

Marsha: 3:48 pm: Walk to the courthouse to judge high school mock trial competition.

Alycia: 4:00pm - Pack & clean up my lunch that’s still on my desk, quick chat with coworkers on my way out.

Alycia: 4:20pm - Run out door to pick kids up for makeup swim lesson.

Kat: 4:30pm - Pack up and head back to office.

Kat: 5:00pm - Load girl scout cookies into van for cookie booth on the weekend.

Alycia: 5:00pm - Drive to swim lessons.

Kat: 5:25pm - Home! Go inside, "mommy what's for dinner", sigh.

Marsha: 5:47 pm: Mock trial ends. Walk back to office.

Kat: 5:30pm - Make children charcuterie for movie night (crackers, cheese, nuggets, ketchup, fruit, veggies, chocolate from valentines).

Alycia: 6:00pm - Hustle both kids into women’s locker room to change, then head home.

Marsha: 6:12 pm: Leave office to head home.

Marsha: 6:14 pm: Call son to find out where he was. This boy stays on the go. I tell him to be home by 7:00. He tries to negotiate and requests 7:30; however, this isn't a negotiation.

Alycia: 6:45pm - Dinner.

Marsha: 6:42 pm: Call from hubby letting me know he is on his way home and asks what's for dinner. Leftovers. Son requests that hubby brings food home. Denied.

Kat: 5:45-7:00pm - Watch Descendants 2 (probably my favorite of them).

Alycia: 7:15pm - Doomscroll & text friends on couch while kids watch TV.

Marsha: 7:02 pm: Replied to text confirming that I will be a moderator for online service on Sunday.

Marsha: 7:03 pm: Hubby arrives home. We chat a little while before he fixes his plate.

Kat: 7:00pm - Clean up dinner while kids watch a Minecraft YouTube.

Kat: 7:30pm - Herd children upstairs while husband takes dog out.

Kat: 7:45pm-8:00pm - Ensure teeth are brushed, pjs on.

Alycia: 8:00pm - Bedtime.

Kat: 8:00pm - Social media review while snuggling kids to bed.

Marsha: 7:37 pm: Nighttime routine.

Marsha: 7:57 pm: Watching the last few minutes of "The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On The Reunion" that I couldn't finish last night.

8:00pm - 12:00am

Alycia: 8:55pm - Try to sneak out of sleeping 9-year-old’s room, but door unsticking wakes her up.

Alycia: 9:10pm - Successfully sneak out of bedroom.

Alycia: 9:20pm - Eat frosted flakes on couch and talk to Husband about our days.

Kat: 9:00pmish - Watch dropout TV comedy with husband.

Marsha: 8:19 pm: Finished watching the Ultimatum while looking up recipes for a lemon pound cake for son's soul food lunch after school on Thursday.

Alycia: 9:50pm - Get into bed to scroll Instagram and read.

Kat: 10:00pm - Regret still being awake - go to bed.

Marsha: 10:19 pm: Lights out. Phone down. Good night.

Kat: 10:30pm - Wonder why I'm still awake while so tired.

Alycia: 11:30pm - Lights out--- whhhhhy do I not go to bed early enough to be rested?

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Disclaimer: The contents of this website should not be construed as legal advice on any specific fact or circumstance. Its content was prepared by Williams, McClernan, & Stack LLC (a Maryland law firm organized as a limited liability company with its principal office at 22715 Washington Street, Suite 201, Leonardtown, MD 20650 phone number (240) 309-4179). It was designed for general information purposes only. Your receipt of such information does not create an attorney-client relationship with Williams, McClernan, & Stack LLC or any of its attorneys. You should not act or rely on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional legal advice. Williams, McClernan, & Stack LLC’s lawyers are licensed in Maryland. While we welcome you to contact us by phone or email, contacting us does not create an attorney/client relationship. Please do not send us any confidential information until we have established an attorney/client relationship.

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22715 Washington Street, Suite 201,

P. O. Box 188
Leonardtown, MD 20650


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